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April 2024

The Heart Beat

At Hanson Bridgett, we celebrate our people, the inclusive workplace culture, and the communities where we work and live: they are the heartbeat of our firm. These are the stories of our values in action. The current happenings and the vibrant individuals behind the scenes and legal matters. Don’t miss a beat.

It’s Professional Staff Week!

Director of Talent, Erika Hattenhauer, Discusses Essential Contributors to the Firm’s Success

From legal assistants to finance and accounting staff, IT specialists, marketing teams, HR personnel, and more, professional staff have always played a critical role in supporting our attorneys, day-to-day operations, and strategic goals. And while these heroes aren’t exactly “unsung” (at least around these parts) we love an opportunity to celebrate and champion our people, and so does Director of Talent, Engagement & Compliance Erika Hattenhauer.

Over the years, the dynamic between professional staff and attorneys has evolved, moving away from a hierarchical relationship to one better characterized by mutual respect and collaboration. Hanson Bridgett has helped lead the way and Erika is someone who knows about this evolution first-hand, having steadily advanced her own career by succeeding in a variety of administrative roles. Now, fostering a healthy work environment and advocating on behalf of our people are among her core responsibilities, and she isn’t afraid to get creative doing it.

Erika Hattenhauer
Build relationships. Building relationships allows you to learn from more experienced colleagues or connections. I have mentors inside and outside of the firm. They provide guidance, share insights and offer mentorship, all of which is invaluable in navigating a career path. My mentors are an essential part of my success!” – Erika Hattenhauer, Director of Talent, Engagement & Compliance, offering up one of her secrets for success

We caught up with Erika on why lifting up administrators is as important as ever and to glean some secrets as to what makes a successful Professional Staff Week.

Q&A with Director of Talent, Engagement & Compliance Erika Hattenhauer: Admin Champion. Ardent Lover of Italian Heritage

  • When did HB start celebrating Professional Staff Week and how did you get involved? (Why was it important for you?) The firm has been commemorating Professional Staff Week for decades. It is a tradition that holds significant value for us and I have been involved in the planning for more years than I can count! This annual event is not just a formality; it embodies our deep-seated belief that individuals who play crucial administrative roles deserve recognition and gratitude for their hard work, dedication, and the invaluable support they provide our firm. It’s essential to take the time to celebrate the people who keep our operations running smoothly and efficiently!
  • What kind of feedback have you received from planning Professional Staff Week activities?  It’s been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the genuine impact it has on morale and team spirit, particularly regarding our daily events. From rejuvenating chair massages to in-office activities and gatherings, our goal is to create an atmosphere of appreciation and camaraderie throughout the week. It’s heartening for me to hear from so many team members that these events stand out, as they often share that they have not experienced such thoughtful recognition in their previous workplaces.
  • You recently launched “HB Applause”—a platform that allows Hanson Bridgett professional staff to nominate and recognize each other’s outstanding achievements. Why is having such a platform/recognition system important? HB Applause acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of individuals and teams within the firm, fostering a sense of value and motivation among employees. Recognition helps to boost morale and create a positive work culture, which leads to higher job satisfaction and employee retention. Gratitude has a profound impact on people’s well-being and brings them a great deal of happiness. We have an attitude of gratitude!
  • How has the dynamic between professional staff and attorneys changed over time? Initially, there was a more hierarchical relationship, with attorneys often viewed as having more authority and visibility. However, as the legal landscape has evolved, so has the recognition of the crucial role professional staff play. Today, there’s a greater emphasis on collaboration and mutual respect, with professional staff being recognized as key strategic partners in the firm’s success.
    Our firm has been ahead of the curve in acknowledging the importance of professional staff, valuing their contributions, and fostering a culture of appreciation and teamwork.
  • From breakfasts to swag giveaways to chair massages—it looks like you’ve planned some special surprises this week! How did these ideas come about? After being involved in planning for so many years, I’m very thankful for a team of extremely imaginative individuals who keep bringing fresh ideas to the program. We have some exciting surprises planned for the week which combine new ideas with beloved events that our team has come to enjoy over the years. It is a week filled with appreciation, engagement, and fun!
  • What’s something you enjoy outside of work, when you’re not hiring great people or advocating for professional staff? Sto imparando l’italiano! I am learning Italian and study as much as I can. I am an avid Reformer Pilates student, and just hit my 300 class milestone mark. I enjoy cooking, and finally perfected homemade ravioli and focaccia thanks to multiple Zooms with my friend in Italy. My husband and I enjoy spending time with our two playful French Bulldogs, tending to our charming old house and garden, and cruising around town in our vintage Cadillac.

For More Information, Please Contact:

Patrick Clos
Patrick Clos
Communications Manager
San Francisco, CA